Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux
8-10 Jan 2018

The itinerant workshop in Partial Differential Equations

This year the ninth edition of the Itinerant Meeting in PDEs takes place in Bordeaux. The previous editions were celebrated in Bayonne (twice), Bilbao (twice), Rome, Pisa, and Nice. The aim of this series of meetings is to propose to young researchers an overview of some  recent developments in the field.

There will be some funding to cover local expenses for PhD students and postdocs who wish to attend the conference.

Mini courses (3x50min each)

- Didier SMETS (Laboratoire Jacques Luis Lions- Université Pierre et Marie Curie)

                     "On the stability of columnar vortices"

- Enno LENZMANN (University of Basel)

                    "An invitation to (some) nonlocal Hamiltonian PDEs"


Invited lectures

- Francesco FANELLI (Univ. Lyon, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1) - "Asymptotic dynamics of non-homogenous fluids in fast rotation"
- Aingeru FERNÁNDEZ-BERTOLIN (University of Bordeaux)-  "Unique continuation for the Schrödinger equation on homogeneous trees"
- Liviu IGNAT (Institute of Mathematics Simion Stoilow of the Romanian Academy) - "Asymptotic behavior of solutions to fractional diffusion convection equations"
- Christof MELCHER (Aachen University) - "Topological solitons in chiral magnetism"
- Emanuele SPADARO (Leipzing University) - "The structure of the free boundary for the thin obstacle problem"


Scientific Committee

Luca FANELLI (Università di Roma "La Sapienza")
David LANNES (Universitè Bordeaux)
Frédéric ROUSSET (Paris XI, Orsay)
Luis VEGA (BCAM, Bilbao and UPV/EHU)
Nicola VISCIGLIA (Università di Pisa) 

Organising Committee





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